Data refuting human-caused global warming theory

Setting the link below to view CO2 and surface, one would have to willfully ignore that CO2 measured in ppmv by satellite is higher concentration and coming from the ocean, water and unpopulated areas like the Arctic. It is not coming from heavily populated locations with humans and fossil fuel burning. 

Keep this site for future reference.

It refutes the AGW theory that human-caused CO2 is causing global warming.

You can put your cursor over Los Angeles, and CO2 measures 409 ppmv.  (Brown in the low end of the scale.)

Then put your cursor over the central pacific and it’s 428 ppmv. 

And over the Arctic it’s 434 ppmv.

Over the Antarctic it’s 425 ppmv.

At 6 minutes to midnight in Europe 24 June 2022, there is a band of 452 ppmv going north up the Rhine river out to the North Sea and English Channel by the low country around Rotterdam to Bruge, And there is a 452 ppmv CO2 band in central England flowing out River Severn from Gloucester England to Bristol Channel.  The highest CO2 concentration in the air at the surface is following the highest volume water flow rivers in Europe, not the population centers.

Look at New York City, Tokyo and heavily populated coastal cities near ocean.  The CO2 is coming from the ocean, not from these cities.

Link here,39.89,3000/loc=-126.039,40.144

“The GEOS data used in this study/project have been provided by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.”

“The GEOS data used in this study/project have been provided by the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center through the online data portal in the NASA Center for Climate Simulation”.

#ClimateChange #IPCC #GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #NetZero #EPA #EndangermentFinding #CO2 #ClimatePolicy #EnergyPolicy #FossilFuel #Henry’sLaw

About budbromley

Bud is a retired life sciences executive. Bud's entrepreneurial leadership exceeded three decades. He was the senior business development, marketing and sales executive at four public corporations, each company a supplier of analytical and life sciences instrumentation, software, consumables and service. Prior to those positions, his 19 year career in Hewlett-Packard Company's Analytical Products Group included worldwide sales and marketing responsibility for Bioscience Products, Global Accounts and the International Olympic Committee, as well as international management assignments based in Japan and Latin America. Bud has visited and worked in more than 65 countries and lived and worked in 3 countries.
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6 Responses to Data refuting human-caused global warming theory

  1. petroalbion says:

    Null school data is really useful, but I could not tell what level the CO2 was being measured at, could you?
    They say CO2 is well mixed it sure aint!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. catweazle666 says:

    Very interesting, Bud, thanks for that.
    I didn’t know nullschool did CO2, I’ve used it a lot for local wind and temperature forecasting though, I’ll have to dig deeper!
    Do you know if it gets its data from the NASA OCO2 satellites?


  3. islandbryan says:

    I just posted this reply. . .very cool.

    🌴Aloha, Larry



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