
Bud is a retired life sciences executive. Bud’s entrepreneurial leadership exceeded three decades. He was the senior business development, marketing and sales executive at four NASDAQ and LSE listed public corporations, each company a supplier of analytical and life sciences instrumentation, software, consumables and service. Prior to those positions, his 19-year career in Hewlett-Packard Company’s Analytical Products Group (which researched, developed, marketed and supported numerous scientific instruments) included worldwide sales and marketing responsibility for Bioscience Products, Global Accounts and the International Olympic Committee, as well as international management assignments based in Japan and Latin America. Bud has visited and worked in more than 65 countries and lived and worked in 3 countries.  His knowledge in scientific instrumentation includes but is not limited to gas, liquid and electrophoresis chromatography, mass spectrometry, head space analysis, automatic sampling systems, spectrophotometers, protein and DNA sequencers, densitometers and slab gel scanners, microwave spectrometers, microarray gene expression analysis systems, molecular modelling, synthesizers for novel drug molecule candidates, microfluidic fluorescent scanning DNA diagnostic electronic chips, confocal fluorescent scanning microscopes and detectors, and lab data systems.  He has managed large worldwide organizations, medium sized organizations, high growth companies, and startup organizations.  Bud holds a BS degree in natural sciences, majoring in chemistry.   Bud.bromley@outlook.com


9 Responses to About

  1. gsmullennix says:

    Thanks Bud. I have presented your material to others and have not been able to supply your CV to satisfy their question as to why Bud Bromley is a believable expert. I tried to access you on Research Gate but I cannot gain access. Thanks.


  2. Don Gleason says:

    So why the Annisquam lighthouse?


    • budbromley says:

      Hey Don. I used to live in Annisquam and walked to the lighthouse with my dog. How do you know this place? One of my direct ancestors (Gardner) was a founder and governor of Cape Ann Colony. I appreciate the history there.


  3. It’s fine with me if you don’t want these messages posted on your page. I expect we have very little time left.


  4. My email address is there if you want to email me direct.


  5. Hi Bud, my climate updates and forecasts aren’t on wordpress – you can find them at youtube.com/whirledpublishing/discussion – thousands of links to reports can be found on that page – from glaciologists, ecologists, volcanologists, etc. More alarming climate evidence is found at youtube.com/whirledpublishing/playlists Most of my videos have been taken offline.

    If you’re interested in my hard core forecasts, send a message through youtube and I will add you to the bcc’s – you can also post a request on my discussion page, send a message through my about page, etc.

    My hardcore climate forecasts are the result of monitoring temperatures across the world, glaciologists’ reports – on the 8,000 glacial lakes that recently appeared in Antarctica, the 13 mile wide crack that opened up on Larsen C during winter 2016, etc. – as well as the mass animal die offs, the landslides, sinkholes, train derailments, fissures opening up in the earth, flood waters, volcanic activity, quake activity, etc.

    The trajectory of this data prompted me to pack and leave – I expect very few survivors.

    Prior to monitoring climate change, I studied ancient cataclysms for 15 years – which includes geology, chemistry, physics, etc.

    I’ve been monitoring glacial melt nearly 20 years – I don’t follow mainstream forecasts because the public is being intentionally misled, confused and misinformed. I think you will find my reports to be eye-opening – and alarming – will you pack and leave to save your life? If not, then you probably won’t be interested in my reports.


    • budbromley says:

      You said you moved. Where to? BTW, I moved to the Big Island of Hawaii. Do your studies reveal any cataclysms occurring here? I have been to your site. Yes, please add me to your “hardcore” list.

      You seem to think glacial melt is important. Why? They have melted before along with the poles. Life was abundant and growing then.


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